My Story
Hi, I’m Sem, a Dutch dreamer who sees magic everywhere!
I discoverd my love for the magic of nature when I started macro photography. The tiny mushrooms I found in autumn and the gorgeous flowers in spring and summer became the things I was looking forward to the most every year.
November 2023, I found a dead little hedgehog, and I was looking for a way to preserve this tiny creature. I came up with the idea to make resin necklaces containing the quills, and soon I added new materials and made new designs for every piece of plant and flower. This eventually resulted in taking bark from fallen trees and pressing flowers and leafs.
My initial goal was carrying a piece of nature with me and giving others a piece as well, but I soon began making home decorations such as lamps and wall hangings.
The small room I work in is always covered in brances, unfinished jewellery and drying resin. Every season gives me new materials and inspiration to work with, so I’m never done creating!